Python for kids

Python for Kids: Tips, Tricks, and Platforms to Try

Coding for kids has become the new norm. In a technology-driven world, it only makes sense for everyone to be open to the idea of learning code, especially for the younger generations who have a lot to learn about new technologies and how they work. 

But with the many programming languages out there, deciding which coding language you should learn will probably keep you up at night. Fortunately, there’s one programming language that developers, data scientists, software engineers, and even hackers adore because of its flexibility and object-oriented features—Python!

This brings us to our first question…

Can a Kid Learn Python?

In 2016, the then 7-year-old British-Pakistani child named Muhammad Hamza Shahzad made headlines for becoming the world’s youngest programmer. With a vision to become the next Bill Gates, Hamza can easily create web apps thanks to the training he received from his father, who also works in an American IT firm. 

If a child prodigy like Hamza can develop these skills at a young age, it isn’t impossible for kids of the same or closer age range to build their programming skills by learning Python. 

Not saying that you can expect a 12-year-old to design commercial software programs like Netflix, Dropbox, and Spotify in their early years, but learning the concepts and theories of this programming language can be beneficial in many ways, such as getting a job as a teen.

Is Python Easy to Learn for Beginners?

You don’t need to possess an in-depth knowledge of programming to give Python a try. In fact, kids with little to no programming experience can understand Python due to its simple commands and readable syntax. It’s relatively easier compared to other programming languages, which is why many industry professionals recommend it. 

Although we won’t hide the fact that it’s a high-level language that can perform complex tasks, Python is still an excellent language to learn for both beginners and experienced programmers. 

And in case we haven’t made it clear enough, learning Python for kids isn’t as far-fetched as you might have thought. 

What’s the Best Way for Kids to Learn Python?

Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or a kid with a strong desire to learn the language on your own, you’ll be pleased to know that we now live in an age where nearly everything is accessible through the Internet. 

You can even find a reasonably priced Python for kids book on Amazon.

There are also dozens of websites, apps, and other online learning platforms that offer Python programming for kids. This means that learning Python for kids can easily be done in the comfort of one’s home. 

Here are some of the most unique and creative ways to learn one of the industry’s most versatile language:


Remember when you were younger and had to learn how to solve math problems using basic arithmetic flashcards? 

While it might have been difficult at first, you could develop a sense of familiarity after some time. Flashcards help toddlers and children improve their knowledge and ability to understand by providing bits of valuable information to maintain their focus.

It’s one reason why flashcards are an excellent tool to help kids remember Python syntax. In addition to giving a mental exercise, a recall practice like this should help keep the memory fresh in one’s mind for as long as possible.

Practice, Practice, Practice

It’s impossible to master a new programming language overnight. 

…unless you’re a tech genius with a mind programmed to process the most complex problems in a matter of minutes.

But for the rest of us who have to spend half an hour to get a dance from TikTok right, Python programming requires frequent practice to comprehend. As a matter of fact, you’re likely to forget most of what you’ve learned when you don’t use your skills as often as you should. By putting your skills to the test with every opportunity you get, you can retain the knowledge you’ve gained from tutorials, courses, and hands-on activities for continuous learning.

Go Old School with Whiteboards

A simple YouTube search of a professional programming tutorial will lead you to several results of experienced developers featuring their shared laptop screens and a heavily used whiteboard. 

Yes, a whiteboard. 

Learning Python for kids doesn’t always mean staring at a computer screen from hours on end. An ingenious method to make Python programming for kids a bit more challenging is with the use of traditional tools. It’s best to optimize this method once a basic understanding of the language has already been developed. That way, the child won’t have to depend on online references and trial-and-error attempts to make it work. 

Knowing how to code in Python with a whiteboard and marker will eventually come in handy when working in a team. It’s one of the most effective ways to solve a problem before learning the solution from a teacher, classmate, or colleague. 

As for the younger learners, you might want to get creative with the whiteboard by imitating the interface of an online code editor to make it a bit more engaging. 

Try the Buddy System

Have you ever heard about the Feynman technique? 

It’s a powerful learning method that helps you learn more effectively by putting your knowledge and skills into action. 

For instance, a few of your classmates come to you for help regarding a subject that you’re relatively good at. You decide to teach them what you know through a quick study session. In the process of elaborating theories and concepts to someone else, you get a better grasp of matters you weren’t quite sure of before. It’s the perfect way to discover grey areas that you need to work on before you begin exploring more complex ideas at a later stage. 

Turn it into a Game

Kids get distracted easily, and anything that requires too much effort will stress them out and cause them to lose focus. When that happens, they tend to abandon a subject before they reach the right level of proficiency. 

And since online and live classrooms have become increasingly common in recent years, parents and educators strive to find ways to keep a child motivated. 

It’s one reason why gamification is a popular learning approach for engaging kids and teaching them everything from mathematics to programming. Competitions and rewards can challenge a child’s brain and enable them to think critically. 

Best Python for Kids Courses

Everyone succeeds at their own pace. And when it comes to Python for kids, you need to understand that multiple factors may affect a child’s progress.  

But if you’re searching for more ways to learn Python instantly, here are a few Python books, classes, websites, and mobile apps for kids that you’re sure to find insightful: 

1. Codakid

While Codakid has over a dozen other courses and tutorials that you might want to try out, the platform also offers an online course in game programming with Python that’s suitable for kids.  

Here, users can learn about functions, loops, arrays, inheritance, vectors, and other programming concepts by surviving each level without getting eaten by a bigger fish. Learners get to know more about the language through a Python integrated development environment (IDE). And the best part is, you can gain exclusive access to this course, along with other courses on the site, for a free trial period. 

2. Tynker

With Tynker, kids ages 12 and above can learn the fundamentals of coding before progressing to graphics and games. The website offers a self-paced course where students have the opportunity to work at their own pace. That way, they can focus on their personal learning styles as they work through a series of programming activities, games, and coding puzzles. 

Some of the website’s modules in Python programming for kids include an introduction to this programming language, loops and patterns, conditional logic, user interaction, and game design. 

3. Udemy

Udemy is an online course platform that creates and publishes educational content for students. The platform offers a range of paid programming courses, boot camps, and masterclasses in Python, as well as other software development and data analysis subjects. Subscribers can even enjoy lifetime access to a variety of courses led by industry experts. 

While their offers might seem like they’re geared toward the older, more experienced folks, you can still kick-start your programming journey through the platform’s customized library for beginners. You can even browse through a collection of video tutorials from different instructors and check their reviews to determine which lectures to invest your time in. 

4. Practice Python

From the name itself, Practice Python is an online learning platform where you can…well, practice Python. 

It’s a safe environment for kids to explore, play, and work with others through a series of exercises and challenges that promote problem-driven and individualized learning. Users will find a ton of resources in Python programming for kids that can help nurture young programmers and sharpen their skills in coding. 

5. CodeCombat 

Prior coding knowledge isn’t vital when you want to learn Python programming. With CodeCombat, there are tons of games that focus on teaching and learning Python for kids. In addition to its eye-catching and child-friendly interface, each game provides simple instructions for kids to grasp and enjoy the gameplay while learning the fundamentals of coding. 

The cool graphics are another thing that kids will love, so learning code doesn’t have to be a daunting experience at all. 

By giving players the wizardly power to use typed code to conquer each level, kids are able to learn faster and more effectively. 

6. CheckiO

This browser-based game aims to expand the world’s code literacy by using gameplay as its secret weapon. 

CheckiO aims to build a community of learners where knowledge sharing and peer support are highly encouraged. It’s a tool that enables students to practice their skills in coding by learning new material. Experienced and beginner developers can play games and solve quizzes to learn how to code Python, or to simply entertain themselves with a learning resource that makes coding fun and social for everyone. 

7. Trinket: Hour of Python

Although a more traditional method of learning code, Trinket’s Hour of Python comprises lessons, challenges, and tutorials that provide a visual introduction to code for beginners and a deeper understanding of Python for experienced programmers. 

Many of the platform’s challenges incorporate real-world problems, which professional coders are more acquainted with, but beginners are opened to solve. 

8. Python for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming

For anyone looking to learn Python offline, books are an excellent alternative. 

But because programming books can seem dull and boring for young learners, Python for Kids optimizes humor and creativity to guide readers through the basics of this programming language. This engages kids and strengthens their understanding of Python programming without forcing it. 

9. Computer Coding

This programming book targets elementary school kids as its primary audience. Each chapter is filled with fun practice exercises that will challenge a child’s knowledge and solidify their understanding of the material. 

This highly visual workbook even caters to children ages 6–9, teaching kids of a younger age group the fundamentals of Python programming with simple coding practices and step-by-step instructions. 

10. Adventures in Minecraft

If you love playing Minecraft and want to learn how to code in Python, then this book will definitely be worth your while. 

As an adventure series written for 11- to 15-year-olds, this book explores some of the most unique ways to enhance one’s programming skills with fun, enjoyable dynamics. Adventures in Minecraft provides step-by-step tutorials to help aspiring coders write Minecraft using a powerful programming language like Python. You can also check out their website for video tutorials and other extras featured in the book. 


There are many ways to teach Python to kids, whether it requires a mentor or a self-paced and game-based approach.  Here is a recap of what we covered.

Table of Contents

Keep in mind that anyone can learn Python programming through methods that work for them. It’s an ability that will build a person’s technical skills for the long term, regardless of whether they plan to pursue a career in programming or not. Feel free to try out some of the tips and techniques provided in this article to bring your coding dreams to life!

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Todd VanDuzer

Co-Founder & CEO at Student-Tutor
Hello! My name is Todd. I help students design the life of their dreams by ensuring college, scholarship, and career success! I am a former tutor for seven years, $85,000 scholarship recipient, Huffington Post contributor, lead SAT & ACT course developer, host of a career exploration podcast for teens, and have worked with thousands of students and parents to ensure a brighter future for the next generation. I invite you to join my next webinar to learn how to save thousands + set your teenager up for college, scholarship, and career success!
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