EP008: 1-Hour Special with Brian Cockel

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Student-Tutor Podcast!


What do you really need to know to be an entrepreneur? Are there resources out there? How do you know you’ve found the right mentor? 


Bryan Cockel has been on the faculty for Camp BizSmart since 2009, leading sessions as a Camp Director at Stanford and Santa Clara Universities in the US and the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad.


For the last few years, Bryan has focused on teaching middle and high school students visiting from China about entrepreneurship. Camp BizSmart is a two week, team-based entrepreneurship and innovation program and competition.


In this special 1-hour extended episode, Bryan and Todd discuss key issues plaguing the current education system, and critical details entrepreneurs of any age should be aware of! 


Time Stamped Show Notes:


[1:30] – Todd Intro

[5:15] – How Brian got started, bootstrapping & a test for new entrepreneurs

[13:15] – Adapting to a constantly changing economy

[18:45] Learning to work collaboratively

[23:15] – The skills needed for success in business and life

[28:00] – Things kids can do TODAY to get started

[33:00] Standardization, structure, and its effects

[46:00] – A lack of failure in today’s education system

[57:15] – Brian’s #1 actionable advice for parents and teens

[65:00] – How to connect with Brian and get involved


3 Key Points:


1. Don’t count on the education system!

Today’s education system is OUTDATED! Don’t rely on it to teach you everything you need to be successful!

Go out and explore new things, and build an education path that’s right for YOU!

2. Be willing and excited to fail!

If you’ve never failed at anything, you’ve never really tried! ALL entrepreneurs experience failure regularly, as a teenager, GET USED TO THIS!

The more you try, the more you’ll fail AND learn! 


3. Don’t wait until after High School to start!

As a high school student, you have more time than ever to explore your curiosities and begin learning what you truly want to do in life!

Don’t waste this opportunity!




Bryan Cockel on Linkedin

Camp Bizsmart

“Let’s Spark Bright Futures” Facebook Group


Let’s Spark Bright Futures!


Student-Tutor Mastermind Program

Academic Tutoring

SAT/ACT Prep Tutoring



The Student Tutor Podcast
Copyright © 2017 by Student Tutor
Produced by: Todd VanDuzer & Cody Mack
Recording by: Todd VanDuzer
Music & Editing: Cody Mack
Sponsorship & Interview Requests: podcast@student-tutor.com 

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