career aptitude test for high school students

Top 11 Career Aptitude Tests For High School Students

High school is an ideal time to prepare for your future by choosing your college majorBut to start, you must first know the career you want to pursue. That’s why taking a career aptitude test for high school students is quite essential.

Unsure of where to begin?

Well, it is your lucky day because we have listed the top career aptitude tests we found on the internet. This will give you a specific career map that will guide your path.

11 Career Aptitude Tests For High School Students 

There is a variety of free career aptitude tests for high school students you can take. It’s a fun way to know more about yourself. It provides an opportunity to stop and introspect. If taken seriously, the career aptitude tests designed for high school students can help you determine the career that suits you best and help you get into your dream college. As it considers your personality, skills, hobbies, and interests, the results will reveal insights about yourself that you probably didn’t know before. Maybe you would make a great essay writer?

1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Career Aptitude Test

If you’ve taken a career aptitude test for high school students before, then you’ve encountered the MBTI. Even the random online quizzes that you and your friends pass on to each other probably rely on the MBTI framework.

It is one of the most popular and widely-used tests utilized by high school guidance counselors.

You’d find the career aptitude test relatable as it uses readily observable behaviors. For example, you may be asked a question that shows how invested you are when you watch a TV series. It identifies your personality using four key areas. All areas that can bring clues to potential careers you can pursue. 

  • Extroversion vs. Introversion – It answers whether you prefer to interact externally or internally.
  • Sensing vs. Intuition – It pertains to how you take in and interpret information; whether it is through your senses or by intuition.
  • Thinking vs. Feeling – It considers whether you make decisions using logic or emotions.
  • Judging vs. Perceiving – It refers to your preferred structure in dealing with the world. Whether you want things decided or are open to options.

To better understand the four key areas, watch the video located below! 

Don’t get intimidated when you see ENTJ, ESTP, INFJ, or ISFP. These are just some of the possible results of the career quiz. There are 16 possible personality types that are identified using four-letter acronyms.

As a career assessment tool, the MBIT can help you discover your needs and how you interact with other people and your environment. By knowing this, you’ll be able to identify the ideal environment and job culture where you can thrive.

You can also check other articles to further know what your personality type means for your career. Another amusing way to use your result is to find out which famous personalities share your personality type.

You can take the free career aptitude test here or ask your school’s guidance counselor for a more accurate aptitude test.

2. Holland Code Career Aptitude Test

The proverb, “Birds of the same feathers flock together” finds relevance in this test. Reflect on your similarities with your friends. Do you share the same hobbies? Similar preferences, perhaps? These are the things that the Holland Code seeks to discover in their career aptitude test. Although, this career test for teens is not free it is highly effective! 

Based on John Holland’s RIASEC Theory of Career Choice, this test measures your interest in six areas.

  • Realistic – mechanical, electrical, construction, working outdoors
  • Investigative – research, experimentation, problem-solving, thinking
  • Artistic – art, crafts, design, self-expression
  • Social – teaching, counseling, medical care
  • Enterprising – sale, leadership, persuasion, politics
  • Conventional – recording, organizing, categorizing

Does “Do what you love and you’ll never have to work in your life.” sound familiar? That’s the essence of the Holland Code.

It relies on the belief that success is guaranteed when similar career personality types work together to achieve a common goal. It presupposes that working with like-minded individuals is the ideal environment to hone your passion and develop your talents.

Much like how dating apps work, the Holland Code will match the ideal career field with your interests. It will help you find the working environment that is compatible with your personality in the workforce.

You can take the aptitude test here.

Image of Holland Career Test for high school

3. Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential (MAPP) Career Aptitude Test

What activities are you motivated to do? What inspires you to wake up and go to school? These questions are what the MAPP seeks to answer.  

The MAPP Career Aptitude Test is a credible career aptitude test for high school students available as it’s specifically designed with students in mind. Since its inception, more than 8 million people around the world have taken the test. Among these takers are high school students like you who needed help in deciding which college course to major in or what employment to choose.    

You might be discouraged when you find out that there are 71 questions. Yes, it is longer than most career assessment tests. But only because it tries to be comprehensive in analyzing your temperament, interests, skills, and learning style. It seeks to find out the tasks you enjoy, your work methods, how you interact with others, and how you deal with other aspects of work.

The result looks like this:

“John is most likely not motivated to engage in activities requiring constant attention to precise standards, exact measurements, detection of minor errors, and long concentration on the process.”

After getting the result, you’ll be glad that you took the time to finish the test. You’ll be a step closer to knowing the career that suits you. And you’ll be able to avoid the dreaded crossroads that await less prepared high school graduates.

4. Keirsey Temperament Aptitude Sorter

Another career test for teens you can take is the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, which is based on Dr. David Keirsey’s model. This framework divides people into four temperaments.

Guardian – These are people who tend to be dutiful and focused on achievements and traditions.

Idealist – People in this category are compassionate and abstract who love to find a deeper purpose for what they do.

Rational – These people seek self-control, discipline, and competence.

Artisan – Optimists and fun-loving people fall under the artisan category.

Think twice before you dismiss this temperament sorter as another familiar stereotype. It’s not. Temperaments are dominant characteristics of the human mind. It takes into account your internal processes and how these can affect your disposition.

Dr. Keirsey observed that a person’s temperament influences his core pursuits in life. By giving you an insight into your temperament, this test will lead to a better understanding of yourself and the best-suited career for a high school student. 

You can take it here.

5. The Princeton Review Career  Quiz

This 24-item career test for teens that will surely pique your curiosity as it is designed especially for incoming college freshmen.

It measures your interests, motivation, stress management, and interpersonal behavior. Its main indicators are your wants and needs. Based on your answers, you’ll be sorted into any of the following categories:

  • Red: Production-centered
  • Green: People-centered
  • Blue: Idea-centered
  • Yellow: Procedure-centered

The results will tell you the areas you are most interested in and the recommended careers for you.

This one is more of a quiz rather than an actual career test. It’s something fun to do with your friends while hanging out.

However, interpret the results cautiously as it has been criticized for being too general. It is best used in conjunction with other career tests.

6. CareerExplorer Career Test

career aptitude test for high school students

CareerExplorer Career Test is a comprehensive career test for teens that identifies one’s personality and interest over 140 traits. The result of this test is then compared to the 800+ careers. This is also helpful when you are weighing the pros and cons of working in high school.

What sets them apart from most careers tests is that instead of asking you obvious questions that would lead to genetic careers, they focus on building a psychometric model of your personality. They are able to achieve this by looking at the following:

  • Interests. They figure out what careers interest you.
  • History and goals. They look at where you live, what is your expected salary, and your experiences.
  • Workplace. They analyze which type of workplace will best work for you.
  • Personality. They ask you if you think you are fit personality-wise for that career.

7. MyMajors

MyMajors offer proactive majors exploration for students, colleges, and high schools. For the career test for teens, you will undergo a 15-minute assessment to find out your best career, major, and college matches.

It can also be used by students who are already in college but is still doubting if they have taken the right major for them. Over 2 million students have already used this aptitude test throughout the years and 2500 institutions use it to help their students figure out the best major for them.

8. The Personal Values Assessment

The Personal Values Assessment is a career test for teens administered by Barret Values Centre. They focus on the following areas to identify your overall personal values:

  • Who are you
  • What you hold dear
  • What underlies your decisions
  • What upsets you

Here are some of the major benefits of this test:

  • Self-knowledge. Through this assessment, you will be more aware of who you are, what are your motivations, and the areas of life you need to focus on.
  • Self-development. You will be able to realize how your values influence your decisions so you can better improve yourself.

9. iPersonic Career Test

The iPersonic Career Test doesn’t require registration and only has four steps. In fact, you can finish this assessment in 60 seconds. It was developed by  Felicitas Heyne, a psychologist and best-selling author who is affiliated to the American Psychological Association (APA) the German Psychological Association (BDP).

To identify your career type, you have to read certain statements and choose which applies to you. Here are the possible results:

  • Analytical thinker
  • Determined realist
  • Dreamy idealist
  • Dynamic thinker
  • Energetic doer
  • Engaged idealist
  • Good-natured realist
  • Ground-breaking thinker
  • Harmony-seeking idealist
  • Independent thinker
  • Individualistic doer
  • Laid-back doer
  • Reliable realist
  • Sensitive doer
  • Social realist
  • Spontaneous idealist

10. Work Interest Wizard

Work Interest Wizard is a career aptitude test for high school students that you will find useful whether you are applying for dual enrollment or not. As you answer the questions, you are teaching the app what you want to be. The succeeding questions are solely based on your answers.

In answering a single question, you have 8 options. You should not be too eager in answering because every question helps you sort your career among 400+ occupations. The total list of questions on the test is 20,000 while the career options are 1,000. You may expect to answer 150 questions before accurate matches appear.

11. 123 Career Test

career aptitude test for high school students

123 Career Test is your no ordinary career aptitude test for high school students. It doesn’t follow the typical multiple-choice format, instead, it presents a set of activities that will help you figure out your work preference. You will surely enjoy answering the questions because it is highly interactive.

Once you have finished, you will receive a list of job matches as well as a detailed interpretation of how you were led to that result.

In Conclusion

High school can be both fun and productive. Take the opportunity to plan your career as early as now using the following 5 career aptitude tests for high school students. 

  1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Career Test
  2. Holland Code Career Test
  3. Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential (MAPP) Career Test
  4. Keirsey Temperament Sorter
  5. The Princeton Review Career Quiz
  6. CareerExplorer Career Test
  7. MyMajors
  8. The Personal Values Assessment
  9. iPersonic Career Test
  10. Work Interest Wizard
  11. 123 Career Test

If you do that, your future self will certainly be proud of you and immensely thank you for it. You will get great career assessments based on the results!

What do you think? Do you have any questions? Any recommendations of other free or paid career aptitude tests?

Please let us know in the comments below!

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Todd VanDuzer

Co-Founder & CEO at Student-Tutor
Hello! My name is Todd. I help students design the life of their dreams by ensuring college, scholarship, and career success! I am a former tutor for seven years, $85,000 scholarship recipient, Huffington Post contributor, lead SAT & ACT course developer, host of a career exploration podcast for teens, and have worked with thousands of students and parents to ensure a brighter future for the next generation. I invite you to join my next webinar to learn how to save thousands + set your teenager up for college, scholarship, and career success!
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