math websites

Top 23 Math Websites for High Schoolers and Kids

You are probably reading this right now stressed and frustrated because of the 4 letter word “math.” Well, we understand! That’s why we have decided to compile the top math websites we have found you can visit to enhance your skills in numbers and problem-solving.

Important Note: If you are a teacher, advisor, organization, or individual with a website reading this!

Please link out this incredible resource on your website and send us an email to with the subject line “FREE RESOURCES” and a link to your website and where our resources are shared and we will:

  1. Give you dozens of additional resources we normally sell for FREE! (Math cheat sheets, college planning course, reading guides, and more!)
  2. Jump on a call with you to see how we can help you further! Together let’s spark bright futures!

Be sure to check out our article for mental math tricks that will save you tons of time! The best part? No calculator needed!

Want more free math resources specific to your grade level? Then check out some new articles we just wrote linked out below! Stay tuned… more to come!

BONUS RESOURCES: Have a student in K – 8th grade? Want them to be prepared for the digital age? Then you may want to check out Codakid, an organization that teaches kids how to code! Computer coding for kids! 🙂

edHelper provides free printable math worksheets for kids in preschool, kindergarten, 1st grade to 6th grade, middle school, and high school. Worksheets by edHelper are being used in 150 countries. Check them out at:

Now let’s get to the countdown!…

1. Art of Problem Solving

Math Levels: pre-Algbera – Algebra (approximately 3rd – 11th grade)
My Favorite Thing: their videos are organized, clear, helpful, and free!

This is one of the math websites that has lots of stuff including math discussion forums, math competition information, and classes students can enroll into… but we especially like their clear videos!

Video categories include:
– PreAlgebra (basic algebraic properties, decimals, angles, and more!)
– Introduction to Algebra (one-variable, multi-variable, complex numbers and more!)
– Counting & Probability (basic counting techniques, geometric probability, and more!)
– MATHCOUNTS (explaining problems from a state math competition)
 AMC (explaining problems from American Mathematics Competitions qualifying tests)

top 10 math website example

There are tons of videos listed very clearly by subject and subtopic.

This image above shows the Algebra videos by chapter. If you scroll down on the page, you would see all the numerous videos for each listed chapter.

Once watching a video, the tutor walks us through problems step-by-step with very clear explanations… As a former math teacher, I approve!

For additional assistance, there are online platforms like TutorEye that offer 1 on 1 help!

top 10 math website example video

2. Brighterly

Math Levels: 1st-8th grade
My Favorite Thing: Games-fused learning process

Brighterly is an online math learning platform dedicated to primary school students. Brighterly combines fun lessons, core Math lessons, and feedback & evaluation lessons. You can sign up for a free lesson to get a taste of the Brighterly experience before paying for any subscription plan.

Here are the grades that they cover:

3. Education World

Math Levels: K-12th (but seems heavier on K-8th grade)
My Favorite Thing: free downloadable worksheets

Education World presents a variety of math resources that all educators can use to liven up instruction.

“But I’m not a teacher!” you protest. It doesn’t matter! Anyone can take advantage! Parents would be wise to seek out resources that teachers themselves like to pull from 🙂

This site links to and has downloadable pdfs of its own on critical thinking, math crossword puzzles, and hands-on math activities like these two shown below.

education world is a top 10 math website

4. Cliff’s Notes

Math Levels: 2nd-12th (Basic Math through Calculus)
My Favorite Thing: topic reviews and quizzes to follow for practice

top 10 math website screenshots

Cliff’s Notes were all the rage for students who needed to review a long book before a big test that’s why it is considered as one of the top math websites.

These little overview books were especially helpful for Shakespeare if I do say so myself, but now they have Cliff’s Notes for Math!

This top math website covers:

math websites example category list

Basic Math
Basic Math & Pre-Algebra
Math Word Problems

Algebra I
Algebra II
Linear Algebra

Differential Equations


If you want the full, hands-on version, they are sold in book stores and online, but this website is a nice and free starting point for some solid review.

5. Wyzant

Math Levels: K-12th
My Favorite Thing: clear at-a-glance table of contents on the front page

As soon as you open this page, you see all the topics you can find lessons, examples, and worksheets about. No need to dig deep into the website to figure out what it actually covers.

For students just beginning math to students already deeply immersed in it who need a little review on a topic or two, this site shows step-by-step how to attack all the important concepts.

6. Math Pickle

Math Levels: K-12th
My Favorite Thing: videos and activity resources to do with students

Math Pickle is one of the great math websites for K-12 math topics. It too seems to be designed with the teacher in mind, but do not let that deter you!

Take mini-lessons and do them with your kids! Make it a game. Make it a fun project. They will learn without realizing it (which is the best way to learn – naturally!)

This math website has video support, discussion boards, games that are “hard fun,” inspired (and inspiring) people, and more!

Here is a path that I took by clicking on “Addition” under the 1st / 2nd / 3rd-grade area, then scrolling down and clicking on “Unfair Thrones,” and then watching the posted video and opening the supporting PowerPoint Presentation.

top 10 math website - math pickle

7. Hooda Math

Math Levels: K-8th
My Favorite Thing: tons of fun online games to practice concepts

Hooda Math is another one of the math websites geared toward helping kids practice and learn through fun computer games. Specific topics the games work with are addition, subtraction, multiplication, addition, geometry, basic physics, fractions, integers, and algebra.

Kids learn best when having fun! Here is a game I started to play practicing geometric understanding and spatial reasoning.

top 10 math website hooda math

8. Paul’s Online Math Notes

Math Levels: 9-12th+ (Algebra through Calculus III)
My Favorite Thing: “cheat sheets” – nice review study guide reference sheets!

The intent of this site is “to provide a complete set of free online (and downloadable) notes and/or tutorials for classes that [Paul teaches] at Lamar University.” He has written out notes/tutorials on Algebra, Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, and Differential Equations. The notes are simple and easy to follow.

Another great feature of this website that’s why it is tagged as one of the top math websites is that there are practice problems for students to solve! The solutions let you click to reveal each step one at a time! This feature is perfect for if a student gets stuck halfway through, he or she can check out the next step without revealing the entire solution.


He has even made nice “cheat sheets” for algebra, trigonometry, and calculus topics!

This is one of the best parts of this top 10 math website. It is so helpful for students to have all the facts and formulas from which they can pull right there in front of them. Print out these sheets for reference during homework sessions! Print out these sheets to give to teachers (brownie points!) and they may even let students use them during tests (depends on the teacher).

If you’re still having trouble, simply ask “do my math homework“.

top 10 math website paul's notes cheat sheets

9. Arcademics

Math Levels: K-6th grade
My Favorite Thing: super fun “arcade games” practicing math

This top 10 math website was created with the idea of “Academics + Arcade = Fun” in mind!

Games are free, multi-player, and educational. And they even designed these games while conscious of online safety. “Private” games can be set up with a password, so a student and his/her friends could organize games to play against each other in a private game! “Public” games can be joined by anyone at any time but there is no contact between the outside players and the student. They also monitor player names and block inappropriate ones.

Let’s take a look at a game that I just played to give one a try! I decided to practice multiplication and loved the look of this cute penguin jumping game.

top 10 math website called arcademics

This math website covers all kinds of elementary math concepts but also includes practice for language arts, geography, spelling, and typing. Pretty cool.

Another great resource

10. Khan Academy

Math Levels: 3rd-12th+ (basic math through Calculus III) plus ACT & SAT Prep!
My Favorite Thing: videos galore, easy-to-navigate

Growing in popularity around the world, the Khan Academy is full of helpful videos explaining all sorts of math topics (they have videos on other school subjects too).

When you log in (free forever, they say!) you see a home screen and your child can even take a math pre-test to see where he/she is starting.

From there, you can browse their video library.

For math, they cover topics starting around 3rd grade and go through tough subjects such as Trigonometry, Calculus, Statistics, Test Prep, Differential Equations, and more.

There are numerous other neat features about this ever-growing and ever-improving top 10 math website (well, more than just math).

We highly encourage parents to explore this site and see how they can use it to their advantage!

Here is a snapshot of what the Khan Academy’s videos look like:

11. Patrick JMT

Math Levels: 3rd-12th+ (arithmetic through Calculus)
My Favorite Thing: videos galore, easy-to-navigate

The “JMT” in Patrick JMT stands for “Just Math Tutorials.” Math, math, and more math.

Similar to Khan Academy, this top math website has clear math videos on tons of topics. Scroll down their home page, it’s amazing!


12. Buzz Math

Math Levels: Grade 6 to 9

Our Favorite Thing: Detailed feedback about the student’s progress

Buzz Math is one of the best math websites for middle school. They have 7,000 activities that follow the Common Core State Standards and they have free demo plans. Here are some of the notable features of this website:

  • They have automated correction tools that teachers can use.
  • Teachers can track the progress of their students through the tools they have.
  • There are tons of activities that students can accomplish. 

Students can travel through time and collect badges through Math Activities.

13. Fun Brain

Math Levels: Kindergarten to Grade 8

Our Favorite Thing: Lots and lots of games!

Fun Brain was established in the year 1997 and since then, it has been a leader in developing educational games for kindergarten to 8th-grade students. There are videos, comics, games, and videos that you can access in Fun Brain and they will help you learn about problem-solving, Math, reading, and literacy.

14. Math Blaster

Math Levels: Kinder to Grade 7

Our Favorite Thing: Math adventures in an intergalactic world.

Math Blaster is a brand of Knowledge Adventure which was around since 1991. They offer outer-spaced theme games which students will love. They also have an application that you can download for your iPhone and iPad. Below are the detailed features of Math Blaster:

  • Customize your avatar whenever you want.
  • Explore a fun intergalactic world while learning about Math and Science concepts.
  • Interact with other space cadets and challenge them.
  • Have access to math resources, practice problems, and other tips and tricks.


Math Levels: Second grade to high school

Our Favorite Thing: Unique multiplication facts will help you master a ton of multiplication facts and tricks. Here are some of the reasons why a lot of parents and kids love this website:

  • They offer engaging content including animated movies, games, activities, and multi-player competition.
  • The activities are self-paced. You can adjust the difficulty level according to your ability.
  • It is very insightful because it has detailed reporting tools and intuitive graphics.

16. Cryptokids

Math Levels: Any

Our Favorite Thing: Content developed by a reputable organization

This website is managed by the National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) which is intended to enhance the skills of future code makers and codebreakers. There are a lot of interesting activities that you can access on their website that ranges from a simple coloring task to a complex code making or code-breaking exercises. 


Math Levels: High School

Our Favorite Thing: Comprehensive list of learning resources

SMILE is a site hosted by the Illinois Institute of Technology. The acronym SMILE stands for Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement. Currently, the site is now dormant but you can still access all the cool stuff that was uploaded on the site. The Mathematic lessons are divided into the following:

  • Geometry and Measurement
  • Patterns and Logic
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Recreational and Creative Math
  • Practical and Applied Math
  • Arithmetic
  • Graphs and Visuals,
  • Algebra and Trigonometry

18. Wolfram MathWorld

Math Levels: Not specified

Our Favorite Thing: Very detailed learning resources

Wolfram MathWorld claims to be the most extensive mathematics resource in the world. Here are some of the things you will learn by accessing this site:

  • Algebra
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Calculus and Analysis
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Foundations of Mathematics
  • Geometry
  • History and Terminology
  • Number Theory
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Recreational Mathematics
  • Topology

19. Math Goodies

Math Levels: Grades 1 to 8

Our Favorite Thing: A wide range of learning topics

Math Goodies was founded in 1998 to become one of the most innovative Math websites out there. They offer self-paced learning that is ideal for those who want a more personalized learning experience. Here is the list of Math Lessons you can choose from:

  • Perimeter and Area of Polygons
  • Circumference and Area of Circles
  • Elementary Math Lessons
  • Introduction to Fractions
  • Add and Subtract Fractions and Mixed Numbers
  • Multiply and Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers
  • Adding and Subtracting Decimals
  • Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
  • Understanding Percent
  • Consumer Math with Percent Applications
  • Consumer Math with Percent Applications
  • Probability
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Data and Graphs
  • Mean Median Mode
  • Mathematical Logic
  • Sets and Set Theory

20. Math TV

Math Levels: High School

Our Favorite Thing: A lot of videos to choose from

Math TV started in 2008 and since then, they have been helping students learn essential Math skills through videos and was considered one of the top math websites. Once you have chosen a lesson, you can choose from the teachers you would like to watch. The fun part about this is that if you did not learn from the first video you chose, you have the option to watch the other vids. Here are the topics included in the website:

  • Algebra
  • Calculus
  • Study Skills
  • Basic Math
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry

21. Illustrative Math

Math Levels: Kinder to Grade 12

Our Favorite Thing: Distance learning materials

Illustrative Math is a non-profit organization bearing the same name. They are motivated in giving learners a chance to learn and enjoy Math at the same time. Currently, their curriculum involves Kindergarten to Grade 12. They offer the following features:

  • Unfinished learning
  • Distance learning
  • Family supports
  • Professional learning

22. IXL Math

Math Levels: Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 8

Our Favorite Thing:

IXL Math is one of the best online math programs that wants to help students gain confidence in Math. That’s why they have developed a website that includes interactive questions, motivating rewards, and built-in support. Students will be able to learn at their own pace because they have the liberty to choose the topic that they want to study.

  • Addition
  • Algebra
  • Comparing
  • Counting
  • Decimals
  • Division
  • Estimation
  • Exponents, roots, and logarithms
  • Fractions
  • Functions and equations
  • Geometry and spatial reasoning
  • Graphs
  • Integers
  • Logic and reasoning
  • Measurement
  • Mixed operations
  • Money and consumer math
  • Multiplication
  • Number theory
  • Patterns
  • Percents
  • Place values
  • Probability and statistics
  • Properties
  • Ratios and proportions
  • Subtraction
  • Time
  • Trigonometry
  • Word problems

23. Achievable

Achievable is test preparation built for the modern student, focused on helping people conquer their most important exams. We believe that we’ve built the best platform for test preparation by removing any guesswork. With Achievable, you study, and you succeed. Achievable is a defined and efficient path to ace any exam.

Our AMC author Wes Carroll has built a thriving AMC coaching business because his methods give students unique tools and techniques that other prep providers don’t have, plus the mindset coaching you need to excel. Now students can access these techniques in Achievable’s AMC courses at a fraction of his tutoring cost. Best of all, Achievable’s memory-reinforcing platform automatically prioritizes the material students need and then trains them to remember it more effectively on test day.


Let recap the list of helpful math sites we covered:

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Did you find this helpful? Please share on Twitter, Facebook, or via email to others who could benefit! 

See anything great that we missed? Comment below so we can add it to a future list. Thanks!

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Todd VanDuzer

Co-Founder & CEO at Student-Tutor
Hello! My name is Todd. I help students design the life of their dreams by ensuring college, scholarship, and career success! I am a former tutor for seven years, $85,000 scholarship recipient, Huffington Post contributor, lead SAT & ACT course developer, host of a career exploration podcast for teens, and have worked with thousands of students and parents to ensure a brighter future for the next generation. I invite you to join my next webinar to learn how to save thousands + set your teenager up for college, scholarship, and career success!
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Amihai Shapira
Amihai Shapira
7 years ago

My daughter had a hard time learning the times table.
So I wrote an android application to assist her 🙂

Each exercise kids solve helps them to feed the cute panda.
You can get daily reminders to feed the panda (solve exercises) and kids get rewarded with trophies upon goals completion.

Using this application my daughter learned the whole times table without noticing 🙂

* Currently the application is only for Android phones *
7 years ago

Hi, its pleasant piece of writing concerning media print, we
all understand media is a wonderful source of information.

7 years ago

these sites are very helpful.i like them

máy đánh 3 cây
máy đánh 3 cây
7 years ago

I read this paragraph completely concerning the resemblance of latest and preceding technologies, it’s awesome article.

Aditya verma
Aditya verma
8 years ago

amazing content

8 years ago

Nice list of math website.Great blog , very informative & knowledgeable post.Thanks for sharing

8 years ago

I have created some fun math games and puzzles for little kids: What do you think?

Todd Hicks
Todd Hicks
8 years ago

Besides getting excellent instruction and practicing a lot, you must actually do what you’re shown, as you learn by doing.

8 years ago

Hi, Thanks for this excellent article. I am sure it would have helped a lot of people looking to improve there math skills. As part of my effort, i developed an android app to improve our calculation skills. I believe mental calculations can greatly help in exercising our brains. For instance, can you mentally calculate the product of 123 and 342. With a little bit of practice and effort we can easily find its result mentally in seconds. It is this practice and effort that actually helps in exercising our brains, right?. Besides brain exercise, calculations is something that is… Read more »

8 years ago

this list is helpful for me and I think Khan Acadamy’s website is on No.1 Rank.

leena zeyad adnan al mogahwi
leena zeyad adnan al mogahwi
8 years ago

i love student tutor its amazing to me and my siblings

8 years ago

Try this website which helps users to play with Algebra Activities For Kids, Games, Worksheets, Quizzes, algebra skills for children in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th grades.

cool math run
cool math run
8 years ago

First of all I want to say superb blog!
I had a quick question in which I’d like to ask if you
don’t mind. I was curious to know how you center yourself and clear
your head prior to writing. I have had trouble clearing my mind in getting my thoughts out.
I truly do take pleasure in writing but it
just seems like the first 10 to 15 minutes are usually lost just trying to
figure out how to begin. Any recommendations or tips?

8 years ago

I’m glad I found this list, thanks Laura!

To add to the subject, probably for high school students, this following website can act as a good reference list of math and physics equations:

8 years ago

Have you checked out Front Porch Math? Strong web site of video tutorials designed for visual and conceptual learners.

sharif payenda
sharif payenda
8 years ago

A free and Great Math Website is:
Check it and you will not regret.

8 years ago

Great listing. I browsed all of them and I still believe there is this one site coming up and that you may look for specific algebra worksheets, quizzes and games for kids . I love this specific game they published “Adding and subtracting integers penalty shootout game for children” try it out

vinay narayan
vinay narayan
8 years ago

You can learn math interactively here:

great for basic algebra, linear equations, and quadratic equations. More topics to follow.

Joerael Harris
Joerael Harris
8 years ago

Hey guys! Thanks for a great post, and I’ll definitely add these sites as a resource to my students. I wanted to let you know that I’m also working on a website titled Learn That Maths at Some people has already found this and are using it as a resource, so I wanted to let you guys know about it 😀

Albert Lee
Albert Lee
8 years ago


This is definitely an informative site. Just wondering if there are other sites you are going to rank that involve online tutoring services – is one that is starting up.

math help
math help
8 years ago

I am really glad here to find out a number of math solution websites, I just checked out some sites to find out easiest solution for math problems…!!!

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
8 years ago
Reply to  math help

Thanks for the nice comment! Which websites did you find most helpful for the problems you had? Share!

Online Mathematics Tutoring
Online Mathematics Tutoring
8 years ago

Hi Laura!! It is really a splendid post where you have listed the top maths sites for help. Online mathematics tutoring sites provides a platform to the students to post their questions from expert tutors in a tough subject Mathematics. As students these days are tech savvy, they find these websites assistance very helpful. Thanks!!

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
8 years ago

So wonderful to hear!

Thank you for the kind words and taking the time to post a comment. 🙂 Keep up your great work helping students with math too!

شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض
شركة مكافحة حشرات بالرياض
9 years ago

Ӊi juѕt wanted tto give youu a brief heads uρ and lеt you now a few of the images aren’t loading corrеctly.
I’m not sure why but I think its a inking iѕsսe. I’ve tried
it in two different browsers and both show the same results.

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
9 years ago

Oh no! Thank you for the feedback. I will double check and see if I can fix it if I get the same error.

I just looked and all the photos loaded. They were slow — which is something we are working on with our web developer! 🙂

We’ve had a speed issue with things loading and working to make it better for you!

9 years ago

My partner and I stumbled over here by a different web address and thought I may as well check things
out. I like what I see so now I am following you.
Look forward to exploring your web page repeatedly.

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
9 years ago
Reply to  education

Thank you for the kind words! Definitely keep checking back! We are always updating our blog with new quality articles. 🙂

9 years ago

This is great. I would also like to mention our website which provides free online Math practice, tests and printable worksheets for grade 4 to 10.

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
9 years ago
Reply to  Ankit

This does look like an interesting site. And question, what is the difference between your ‘free’ account and your ‘advantage’ subscription? I could not tell upon first glance at the website. Thanks for the comment and sharing! 🙂

9 years ago
Reply to  Laura Petersen

Hi Laura, Thanks for your response! Edugain’s free account gives users a plethora of benefits: 1. Download limited number of printable worksheets in PDF format. Worksheets are always news (questions are not repeated), and worksheets created earlier are accessible from the account forever. 2. Unlimited online practice and tests on topics of choice. No daily restriction. 3. Live online contests on various topics and grades. 4. Answer keys. 5. Students can track their learning with a personalized dashboard 5. Teachers can create classes, add students, give them online assignments and track their progress in real time. With an advantage account,… Read more »

9 years ago

Extremely happy to hear you discovered this a valuable asset!

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
9 years ago
Reply to  RamakanthD

Hi Ramakanth – thanks for taking the time to comment! But I am not sure what you mean…is one of these on the list yours? Let me know! 🙂

9 years ago

Hi Ms. Laura, I find this website very much helpful to students, specially those who are striving so much in Math. I’m also one of the contributors of a site which we aim to be as popular as yours. We do offer different topics, questions with answers and to understand more, we also incorporated contents of each topic. Hoping you could also look at this site, and have this included in your article, its Looking forward to your response.


Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
9 years ago
Reply to  Charm

Hello Charm,

Thank you for taking the time to write a comment! I do appreciate that!

I looked at your site but it does not seem to be free. Am I mistaken? It seems like you have to log in and pay for the quality content.

For this post I really wanted to highlight sites that were free and very high quality information. Please let me know if I am in error and will take another look. 🙂


John Michael
John Michael
9 years ago

It supportive for me. Since I’m making a site about Math. What’s more, i need my site to wind up well known as networks in your theme :). Much obliged to you!

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
9 years ago
Reply to  John Michael

Thanks for the nice comment, John! And good luck with the project you are working on. What kind of math will your site focus on?

9 years ago

Another good maths website is Ultimate Maths

Renae Hintze
Renae Hintze
9 years ago
Reply to  Jan

Thanks for sharing Jan. 🙂 Looks like this site has a very clean, easy-to-follow layout.

9 years ago

I found the best site to learn basic mathematics thru dynamic worksheets is simplify
I hope it will be very useful for your kids to practice and learn math easily.

Renae Hintze
Renae Hintze
9 years ago
Reply to  MEPCO

This looks like it could be really helpful! Especially the free worksheets. Thanks for sharing!

Dr. Carol JVF Burns
Dr. Carol JVF Burns
9 years ago

Here’s another:
It has unlimited, randomly-generated online practice, and unlimited, randomly-generated offline practice via worksheets. It has fully-sequenced courses which steadily build skills, assuring prerequisites are in place. It uses MathJax (the gold standard for math-on-the-web) to get correctly-displayed and dynamic mathematics. Middle-school through high school math. It has a heavy emphasis on the language of mathematics, teaching people to teach *themselves* math while they’re learning the math. The site author has a doctorate in math and about 30 years teaching experience. It’s all free, no sign-ins, no annoying pop-ups and such.

Renae Hintze
Renae Hintze
9 years ago

Thank you for sharing and for the detailed description — very helpful for our growing compilation. 🙂

9 years ago

Thanks for sharing this wonderful article.Indeed its a great compilation of resources. Maths is all about practice, the more you practice the better you become. I would like to add the following site

Renae Hintze
Renae Hintze
9 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Very cool! Practice makes perfect but it always helps when you practice the “real deal”, so to speak. 😉 Thank you for sharing your site Mike.

fatima badat
fatima badat
9 years ago

Have you tried ? It is for 5 to 11 years old

Have used it for my child… Starts from the basic and builds up… really good as it built my child’s confidence

Renae Hintze
Renae Hintze
9 years ago
Reply to  fatima badat

This looks like a very helpful site. Thanks for sharing!

9 years ago 🙂

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
9 years ago
Reply to  lizabeth6322

Thanks for the suggestion! The site wasn’t working for me though. Is it .net, by chance?

Course Provider
Course Provider
9 years ago

Nice sharing, Thanks.

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
9 years ago

Thanks for the nice comment! 🙂 So glad this is a helpful compilation.

Damon Greenfield
Damon Greenfield
9 years ago

I am starting college in the fall of 2015. I am 42 year old Veteran, and I havent had schooling since 1992, and then in 96 when i took a couple years of college. I am going into the Computer Field, networking, and Cyber security. My math is next to nil. So what website would be good for me to get ready for College Course Math. In college The math I need starts at MATH 155 – Discrete Structures , but to take that I need MATH 105 – College Algebra, and to take that I need MATH 101 –… Read more »

Renae Hintze
Renae Hintze
9 years ago

Damon, I would definitely recommend that you check out The Khan Academy! It’s a free, online math resource, and the reason I’m recommending it to you is because you are taking a variety of math courses that will have different materials in them. Khan Academy has a library of videos that covers K-12 math. These will show you how to work out different problems step by step, which is basically the same as if you had a tutor right there with you. Here is the web address:! You can find out a little more about it from this blog… Read more »

9 years ago

This site is very helpfull to all students..too many students face mathematics problems.gud job

Renae Hintze
Renae Hintze
9 years ago
Reply to  sachin

Thank you for the comment! If we can help any student to increase their math comprehension, that’s what we’re aiming for.

9 years ago

Math is all about mastering the skills of solving a particular problem by using appropriate techniques. I really found these sites very helpful. A very informative share I must say.

Renae Hintze
Renae Hintze
9 years ago
Reply to  Studentlance

Thank you! I’m glad you found it lucrative! 🙂

Stan Lisle
Stan Lisle
10 years ago

I operate a website with about 170 free middle school math lessons for teachers or students. I would appreciate consideration for inclusion on your website.


Stan Lisle

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
10 years ago
Reply to  Stan Lisle

Thanks, Stan! It looks like you put a lot of hard work into the material on your site!

10 years ago

Great list! I have two teens (8th and 10th) that struggle in math, and I also teach sixth grade to students who truly run the gamet in terms of math proficiency and interest! I had heard and used a few, but many are new to me. I have also found to be a valuable resource. I believe it focuses on upper elementary through high school. Similar to Khan academy, but easier to navigate. After each tutorial, it lists for students other related background videos or ones that would extend their learning. Thanks again!

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
10 years ago
Reply to  Kate

And thanks to you too, Kate, for sharing virtualnerd and your kind words. I will check that one out! It is funny to me how in a way having so many resources out there actually makes it harder to find the good ones. Often times when I google something it takes a bit of time to sift through junky/spammy sites and reveal the real gems. Glad this list is helpful! 🙂

10 years ago

I found a cool site called Ultimate Maths

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
10 years ago
Reply to  Jan

Thanks for the comment, Jan! What do you like about it? Please share.

Subbalakshmi Kumar
Subbalakshmi Kumar
10 years ago

Thank you for sharing such Informative content specially for kids. I’d to say that there are few site that my kids eager to use and the questions in return they asked are sometimes i feel they are my teacher lol 🙂 .. below are sites you can add them too.


Renae Hintze
Renae Hintze
10 years ago

Thanks for the link Subbalakshmi, we’ll definitely check Mathtweets out. Have your kids tried any of the sites listed on this post?

Subbalakshmi Kumar
Subbalakshmi Kumar
10 years ago

Please look at We are offering the 40 – week parent-driven Mathtweets program delivers a weekly module that has 1 Tutor sheet with simple explanations and 5 Work sheets. such that you can solve your problem with minimum effort.

10 years ago

Thank you for sharing such Informative content specially for kids. I’d to say that there are few site that my kids eager to use and the questions in return they asked are sometimes i feel they are my teacher lol 🙂 .. below are sites you can add them too.

2. ixl.xom

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
10 years ago
Reply to  franians

You are welcome and thank YOU for the comment! 🙂 I will check these sites out and add them to my list for my next “Top 10” or maybe I will need to do “Top 101” or something!

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
10 years ago
Reply to  franians

Oh, and maybe ixl.xom should be it looks like?

Diwakar Nag
Diwakar Nag
10 years ago
Reply to  Laura Petersen

Please look at This is a truly complete website with learning and practice for K-5. I developed it putting in 100s of hours on the part time basis but it is much better than most of the pay sites.

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
10 years ago
Reply to  Saji

Thank you for sharing, Saji! How did you find this post? Was it also helpful to you? 🙂

10 years ago

Another great website I recommend is Beestar. My daughter has been using it for a few years and so do my after-school students. The worksheets are helpful and keeps them engaged. They also get to track how well they are doing compared to others. I especially like how I can track as a parent and teacher on their progress and the website.

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
10 years ago
Reply to  Andrea

Thank you for the extra recommendation, Andrea! Looks like for math it goes up through 8th grade, is that correct? I need to dig deeper to explore it as a resource! I appreciate your sharing. 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to  Andrea
Have look on this website which gives more ideas to teach maths for your kids.

Florence Gogan
Florence Gogan
10 years ago

Thanks for you post. I really like the information which you have shared in your post about.

10 years ago

My kids love

lawrence agbemabiese
lawrence agbemabiese
10 years ago

This is an excellent resource. Thanks for putting it together!

Opal J. Watkins
Opal J. Watkins
10 years ago

Thanks for a great sites. Some kids are brilliant in Maths subjects naturally however for most kids maths is just like a nightmare. Everyone knows practice is the best way to sharp your skills in Mathematics but It’s not too easy as we think. Your interest in particular field enforce you to do it but you are not interested than it’s useless.

10 years ago

you check out also.. it is very kids friendly..

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
10 years ago
Reply to  Digvijay

Thank you for the extra item!