UC Berkley admission requirements

How to Get In: UC Berkeley Admissions Requirements

Ever wondered what it would be like to go deep-sea diving?

Bet you didn’t know that it was a UC Berkeley Chemistry Professor that made it possible… we didn’t!

UCB prides itself on a number of accomplishments and ranks highly in a number of areas. With a 14.8% average UC Berkeley acceptance rate 2020 for incoming, Out-of-State Freshmen, admissions are definitely competitive.

Don’t be intimidated! As always, we’re here to help.

Keep reading to learn more about UC Berkeley admissions requirements.

Step #1: A 3.89 weighted GPA or higher

Wondering what GPA do you need to get into berkeley? Well it’s a 3.89! These are high expectations! But they’re not impossible to achieve. If attending Cal Berkeley truly is your student’s dream, you have some options to give their GPA a boost: 

  1. If you struggle in school or are sitting just below those UC Berkeley admissions requirements, look into tutoring. Yeah, it’ll cost you some money now, but it can easily pay off later with scholarships and your student’s college diploma.
  2. Help yourselves to FREE academic resources by becoming a Student-Tutor member. Click here to learn more! 

Step #2: 1415 on the 1600 SAT scale

This college really does pride itself on pursuing excellence — they’re not playing around UC berkeley requirements. That’s why I can’t stress it enough — use your resources. Study for the SAT as well as the ACT very carefully because they put high emphasis on the scores you achieve on those two tests during your UC Berkeley application.

ALSO, take note: for Chemistry or Engineering Majors: The SAT 2 Subject Tests are strongly recommended.

Which brings us to our next point…

Step #3: Research your major/program 

You wouldn’t call a heart surgeon to come fix your TV.

What’s our point here?

An electrician and a heart surgeon “fix” things, but they have completely different skill sets to do it. Likewise, different majors and programs have requirements that are specific to them so you have to identify your college major that you will be taking.

You can figure out what major/program you’re interested in by using UCB’s Academic Guide for Undergraduate Degrees. This is a convenient tool on their website that allows you to select your student’s interests and find majors that they would like.


When you click on a major, you’ll find the information your student needs as far as any prerequisites, specific acceptance scores, and all that jazz.


If you want additional information, contact someone in the specific program’s department.

Step #4: Take your UC Berkeley Admissions Test no later than December of your graduating year

Basically, you won’t be considered otherwise! To keep your student on track for this as far as test preparation, you can make use of a planner.

How does a planner help?

Well, the best way to stay on track with this is to break your one big goal of Taking the UC Berkeley Admissions Test into smaller, SMART goals that will get you there over time. Remember, a SMART goal is all of the following:

SMART-goals copy

Step #5: Have a stellar UC Berkeley Admissions Essay

Alright, look alive! This is one of the most important things considered in admissions to Cal Berkeley.

Is it really that important?

What, don’t believe me? 😉 The Institutional Research Department at UCB lists the Admissions Essay/Personal Statement as “Very Important” in terms of acceptance, along with “Rigor of Secondary School Record”, “Academic GPA”, and “Standardized Test Scores — so there ya go!

If you aren’t confident with your essay writing skills, here is a list of some articles by Student-tutor that you might find helpful:

1. How to write an informative essay

2. How to write an argumentative essay

3. Compare and Contrast Essay: The definitive guide

4. How to Start an Essay: Your Ultimate Guide to a Winning Introduction

5. How to Write a Good Essay | The Ultimate Guide

6. How to Write a Good Thesis Statement

Wondering what you should write about?

We looked through the essays of students who were accepted to UCB to find some trends.

1. Elevated Language


2. Family-Orientation


3. Specific and Individually-Centered Examples


4. Reflective Insight


Step #6: Use the comments section of your essay

If your GPA is lower than what is stated above, there is a chance you can still get in. UC Berkeley reviews students’ applications with a holistic approach.

Holistic? What does that mean? 

It means that IF your GPA is lower than the average accepted, or IF your test scores are sub par, you have a chance to say why.

And guess where you can say it?

The comments section of your essay! Unrelated to the prompt of your Admission Essay, this is where you can explain to UC Berkeley what happened, and they will take it into consideration.

Step #7: Optimize your Extracurricular Activities 

UCB is interested in what your student does with their time. Here’s a chance to ask what your student’s been up to, so…

Do they exhibit leadership skills? Do they work well in groups? 

Specifically, Cal Berkeley pays attention to the following when considering admission:

You’re in luck, because we have an article just for this! Follow the steps to create the perfect Extracurricular profile for your student’s UCB application.

Step #8: Create a MyFinAid Account

UC Berkeley has what is called a MyFinAid AccountIf you are eligible for financial awards such as scholarships, this is how you view those awards.

AND to make it easier for you, UC Berkeley has this all laid out for you in a lovely tutorial video!

As with all schools, there are various scholarships available for UCB students. For example, the Berkeley College Achievement Award: Incoming full-time and part-time students with a 2.50 grade point average (GPA) or higher will be considered for receiving up to $3,000 a year.

To see other awards available you can view the entire Financial Aid Catalog of UC Berkeley.


Alright, let’s review. To pass the UC Berkeley admissions requirements and be a Golden Bear, we recommend the following:

  1. A 3.89 weighted GPA or higher
  2. 1415 on the 1600 SAT scale
  3. Research your major/program (Use UCB’s Academic Guide!)
  4. Take your UC Berkeley Admissions Test no later than December of your graduating year
  5. Do well on your UC Berkeley Admissions Essay (Remember the points I gave you!)
  6. Use the comments section of your essay (if needed)
  7. Optimize your Extracurricular Activities
  8. Access scholarships and other awards through your MyFinAid Account

Have any other helpful information about UC Berkeley admissions requirements for us? Tell us in the comments below!

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Todd VanDuzer

Co-Founder & CEO at Student-Tutor
Hello! My name is Todd. I help students design the life of their dreams by ensuring college, scholarship, and career success! I am a former tutor for seven years, $85,000 scholarship recipient, Huffington Post contributor, lead SAT & ACT course developer, host of a career exploration podcast for teens, and have worked with thousands of students and parents to ensure a brighter future for the next generation. I invite you to join my next webinar to learn how to save thousands + set your teenager up for college, scholarship, and career success!
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7 years ago

Hey Todd, Not sure if you would be able to answer this question, but I am sure you can point me in the right direction to get more information. My organization employs a 15 year old young lady who is determined to attend UCB but has been home schooled for middle and high school, and will be enrolling into online school this year and possibly for the rest of her high school years. I was just wondering what steps we can start taking to get her better chances of getting into UCB, considering she does not have transcripts or any… Read more »

7 years ago

Hi Todd, im a sophomore in high school I’m 15 years old and i would like to know if U.C Berkeley is a good place to major in writing?

7 years ago

I am 15 years old and have started on my associates degree in Life Sciences. Can I join Cal Berkeley as an undergraduate or do I have to transfer my degree?

nagib shariff
nagib shariff
7 years ago

Hi, my name is Nagib Shariff and i am a Junior at Hercules high school and i would like to know if UC Berkeley is the right college for me!! Ever since i been a little kid i have always wanted to go to UC Berkeley. I would like to know if anyone would give me a scholarship, i am willing to work as hard as possible. GO BEARS!!!!!

Abbie Willis
Abbie Willis
7 years ago

Hi, Todd. I am a high school Sophomore from Oregon and was wondering if they looked at things such as extra-curricular activities for their Health Sciences/Education department (or would just increase my chances of being accepted anyway)? My school offers a program called HOSA, which is a club for “future health professionals”. Would this be something that would be considered in the Admissions process, and would it be helpful?

7 years ago

Hi, I’m now a sophmore in highschool and would just like to know how involved I should get in school. The only thing I did last year was cheer and I’m wanting to join some clubs next year. My question is, does having extra curricular activities increase your chances of getting accepted into the school?

7 years ago

Hello Todd! Some of the information here is not necessarily accurate for every student. I was admitted to Berkeley for the fall of this year and there are some things which I noted as imported in the admissions process. First is that the UC system has a holistic admissions process, but not as holistic as, say, Ivy League, Stanford, and MIT level schools. Unless you are a borderline student, Berkeley will not ask for letters of recommendation, your art portfolio, an interview, or extra essays. They are also not interested in your score in the 1600 point SAT if you… Read more »

Sydney Theis
Sydney Theis
7 years ago

Hi Todd!

Although i’m only 13, Berkeley is my dream school.
I’m very interested in genetic studies but my I am worried that my GPA (3.65) isn’t good enough. Is there anything that you would recommend that I should do or some tips on how to do better?

Thanks!- Sydney Theis

joseph valdez
joseph valdez
7 years ago

Hey Todd i’m 14 years old is U.C. Berkely really the place for quantim physics in engineering? I would like to know because i want to be ahead of the game.

7 years ago

I am Kenneh. My dream is to pursue my geology major at Ucb. I wanted to know if the SAt and the Act are requirements for only the high school students, or they are also requirements for those holding associate degree.

7 years ago

Hi Todd!
Does Berkley have any good courses for quantum computing?
Prefferably PhD courses.
I’m 1 4 years old and I’ve heard that Berkley is one of the top universities for quantum computing. Is it?

7 years ago

Hi! Im from Mongolia. I just have a IBT-Toefl 112 point. Do you think i have a chance?

7 years ago

Hi Todd,

I’m only 14 years old but I’m working hard to get to where I want to be. Cal Berkeley is my DREAM college. What should I do to insure that I pursue my dreams?

Nithyashree S
Nithyashree S
8 years ago

I’m an undergraduate student from India. How do I convert my GPA( out of 10) into the weighted or unweighted GPA?
And is there any other requirement in particular to those students from India?

Samantha Price
Samantha Price
8 years ago

Hello Todd,
So if I wanted to Major in Business at UC Berkeley and I didn’t have good math grades throughout high school (ex: c’s) but I excelled in Language Arts and possibly other helpful subjects that would contribute to a Business Major , would they consider that or totally veto my application?

7 years ago
Reply to  Todd VanDuzer


Elsie McLaughlin
Elsie McLaughlin
8 years ago

Hi! My name is Elsie McLaughlin, and I am a high school junior from Rhode Island. I was wondering if Berkeley looks at the specific classes you take in relation to the field of study you want to go into. For example, I would like to major in Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology, and am taking (AP) courses next year more focused on art, history, and language rather than science and math. I will not be taking a science or math course next year, but will have taken 3 years of a lab science and 3 years of math. Will… Read more »

9 years ago

Sooo Berkeley, as with all schools in the UC system, does not look at your regular GPA and most CERTAINLY does not look at your weighted GPA. The entire UC system calculates a special number called the UC GPA. They weight the grades of certain classes more than others. For instance, grades received in health class have no weight in the UC GPA, and honors classes carry no more weight than non-honors versions of the same class. Your high school GPA and weighted GPA are entirely irrelevant to the UC Application.

7 years ago
Reply to  Cassandra

Hi Cassandra, The UC does indeed have their unique way of calculating GPA. First, they only use grades beginning with the summer after 9th grade through 11th grade in their calculation. To determine if a class is considered honors, you need to review the articulation between your school and the UC. https://hs-articulation.ucop.edu/agcourselist#/list/search/institution (your school may call a class honors but it may not be deemed as such by the UC and not eligible for weight in the GPA.) Last, Berkeley and UCLA are the only two schools in the UC systems that don’t cap the weighted GPA to 8 semesters… Read more »