math websites

52 Helpful Math Websites for Teachers and Students

Your child’s success in school and on standardized tests like the PSAT, SAT, ACT, and state exams (depending on which state you are in) all hinge in great part on his/her math skills! Unfortunately, many parents report having forgotten most of what they learned about math from school and/or a general fear and anxiety at the thought of it themselves. Where can they turn for more help with math? Well, there are several Math websites that they can visit.

Note: Don’t have time to visit the 51Math websites included in this list? Check out our detailed Top 10 List!

52 Math Websites You Should Know About

1. is a digital math teaching assistant for Math Teachers and a Personalized one-to-one and Step by Step tutor for students. Teachers can create homework, assignments, quizzes, exit tickets, bell ringers, and formative assessments on it with one click, and while students are solving them, Bytelearn helps them step by step like a tutor wherever the kids get stuck.

2. A Plus Click

A+ Click provides practice on math and logic problems designed to develop logical and creative thinking. Skip looking for other math help websites that offer logic problems because A+ Click has them all.

3. AAA Math 

This math website boasts thousands of interactive arithmetic lessons you can use for free. It is customized by grade level (K-8th) and topic. They also have explanations of various mathematical topics, practice problems and fun, challenging games.


This features a web-based assessment and system of learning that uses adaptive questioning to figure out student needs. This powered by McGraw-Hill and focuses on students aged 3 to 12.

5. Algebra.Help

As soon as you open this page, you see all the topics you can find lessons, examples, and worksheets about. This is one of the math help websites that is all about algebra!

6. Arcademics 

This site is academics + arcade games. Kids can play fun ‘racing’ games while practicing their math skills!

7. Art of Problem Solving (Videos)

This math website has a lot of stuff, but we especially like their clear videos on pre-algebra, algebra, counting, probability, and more.

8. Buzz Math 

Buzz Math offers free subscription plans to students. Their focus is on enhancing the Math skills of middle schoolers through high-quality problems, feedbacking, and self-paced learning. One of the great features of this website is letting students retry problems for mastery.

9. Cliffs Notes (for Math!)

Cliffs Notes is known for covering a topic in a nice overview manner. They have an online version of their materials for math where you can learn a topic then take  a little review quiz on it. Algebra through Calculus.

10. Cool Math 

This highly interactive math website allows the user to sharpen basic math skills, play games, solve puzzles, and look up new math concepts. They even have steps to help conquer math anxiety!

11. Corbettmaths

This is a free resource that provides Math practice questions, videos, practice papers, conundrums, revision cards, and worksheets. 

12. CueThink

This program helps strengthens skills in Math, critical thinking, and growth mindset. George Polya’s four-step approach is the main technique used in solving problems and teaching Math concepts.

13. DragonBox

This includes a series of math apps that aim to provide a deeper, better, and more enjoyable learning experience to students. Blogs are also included such as “saying no to math anxiety” and making math social.

14. DreamBox

Dreambox offers resources not only for students but teachers as well. This is because this website is primarily designed to serve as a complement to classroom instruction. Currently, Dreambox offers a 90-day free trial and paid subscription for the succeeding months of usage.

15. EdHelper

This site is where teachers often flock to print out worksheets of practice problems on math topics. PreSchool through Algebra II (high school level) and Critical Thinking , pick the number of problems you want on a topic and a sheet is made! Key included so you don’t have to solve everything yourself to know if your child got it right.

16. Education Place

Created by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, this math website offers a million and one (seemingly) printable math worksheets on topics for K-6th graders. There are some e-games too.

17. Education World

Education World presents a variety of math resources that all teachers can use to liven up instruction.

18. Figure This

Created by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, this site helps families enjoy mathematics outside school through a series of fun and engaging challenges.

19. Fun Brain

This math website includes 17 original games based on soccer, car racing, and more. An example is “Math Baseball,” where kids can score runs with correct answers. “Operation Order” is another where students can build pyramids with their knowledge of algebra.

20. Hooda Math

This site has lots of online math games and activities for grades K-8.


This math site was created for teachers by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. But parents can take advantage too! There are lessons, activities, and listed standards for different grade ranges K-12th grade.

22. Khan Academy

Growing in popularity around the globe, the Khan Academy is chock full of helpful videos explaining all sorts of math topics (they even have vides on other school subjects too).

23. MagnaHigh

Games for a variety of math topics. Fun!

24. Math Cats 

Math Cats provides playful explorations of important math concepts through games, crafts and interactive projects. Includes a magic chalkboard and an art gallery.

25. Math Central

This is an internet service for mathematics students and teachers. It provides several resources for teaching and learning math.

26. Math Forum

This math website is made by teachers, students, researchers, parents, and other educators who have an interest in math and math education. Special features include their “Ask Dr. Math,” “Problems of the Week,”  their “Internet Math Library,” and more.

27. Math Game Time

This is one of the math help websites that offers lots of games Pre-K through 7th grade! If you want to enjoy while learning arithmetic and calculus, this is perfect for you.

28. Math is Fun

This math website has math games, activies, and explanations for math levels K through 12th grade. It even has a math dictionary!

29. Math League 

The is math website was designed for students in 4th grade through high school. It offers math contests, books, and computer software. The Mathematics Help Facility is a nice reference guide for math topics complete with examples, definitions, and explanations on topics 4th-8th graders are likely to study.

30. Maths Online (from the University of Vienna)

Notice that I wrote “maths” and not “math”? In many other countries including England and Australia, they put an ‘s’ on math! Anyhow, this site has nice interactive testsonline tools, and links to tons of other resources in their maths links.

31. Math Playground

1st grade through Geometry. Games galore!

32. Math Pickle

Math Pickle is a great website for K-12 teachers, so why not for parents too? It offers curricular games, puzzles, and more.

33. Math Score

Math Score helps improve math proficiency for all skill levels, remedial through advanced. Appropriate for 2nd grade through Algebra I.


This math website has lots of online games. I played one with multiplication and if you got something wrong like 3 x 3 = 9, it would show you a funny pictorial way to remember. In this case tree x tree = line went along with two trees holding a clothes line between them with a shirt hanging from the line with the number nine on it. Clever!

35. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

This is a platform for Math teachers where they share ideas, lesson plans, and many other resources.


“Enriching Mathematics.” This is one of the math help websites that is created by the University of Cambridge (so watch out for “math” being spelled as “maths” and references to pounds, as in money).

37. Paul’s Online Math Notes

The intent of this site is “to provide a complete set of free online (and downloadable) notes and/or tutorials for classes that [Paul teaches] at Lamar University.” He has written the notes/tutorials in such a way that they should be accessible to anyone wanting to learn the subject regardless of whether or not you have taken his class. Geared toward higher levels of high school math.

38. PBS Teachers Math

PBS Teachers Math provides some great Math resources organized into different grade-subject pages. This is considered one of the most useful math websites out there that you can easily access.

39. Play Dough to Plato

This site is all about fun hands-on activities for kids. If kids can learn without realizing it, they will be more willing to keep playing and keep learning. Activities are geared toward younger kids Pre-K through 2nd grade.

40. Plus Magazine

Plus magazine opens a door to the “world of maths,” (non-American spelling again) through articles from top mathematicians and science writers.

41. Simpsons Math

The Simpsons TV show contains over a hundred instances of mathematics ranging from arithmetic to geometry to calculus. Many references are very humous!


SMILE stands for “Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement.” This program was designed to enhance elementary and high school learning of science and math through activities where kids can see math come alive.

43. SuperKids Math

This is a website that provides a wide variety of math drill worksheets. Parents can even make their own worksheets using simple tools. Originally a resource for teachers, so take advantage!

44. Teach R Kids

This site is geared more for younger students in Pre-K through about 3rd grade so if you are looking for Math websites that are focused on young kids, look no further.

45. Teachers Pay Teachers

This site is technically for teachers to share resources, but there is no reason parents cannot take advantage! A lot of it is for free. Others you can purchase. Worksheets, educational games, and more.

46. Teachnology

Teachnology features over 2,000 free math printables that range in skill from grades K-12th. There are other topics in addition to math as well.

47. That Quiz

This is a free app for grades 3 to 12. It offers test activities that range from simple math operations to calculus. 

48. Toy Theater

One of the best features of this app is that students will learn multiplication while shooting hoops. There are other fun activities that they can do using Math theater because this is primarily game-based.

49. Web Math

In this math website by Discovery Education, you can actually enter in problems to be solved. For example, if you have trouble taking the square root of 81x^2, you can type it in and it will show you that the answer is 9x. Topics are Kindergarten through Calculus.

50. Yummy Math

Yummy Math is another one of the top math websites that has fun problems involving everyday life. It covers areas such as : Algebra, Geometry, Probability, Science and more.

51. Xtra Math

This is another useful online tool that students can use in learning basic arithmetics. It is easy to use and teachers and parents receive weekly emails containing the progress of their student or child.

For more useful Math-related articles, read the following blogs by Student-Tutor:

Top 21 Math Websites for High Schoolers and Kids

16 No-Calculator Tips for SAT Math

11 Strategies Proven to Increase Your Math SAT Score

8 Best Free Mathematics Apps for Kids

Mental Math Tricks: No Calculator Needed!

See any math websites we missed? Comment below so we can add it to our list. Thanks!

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Todd VanDuzer

Co-Founder & CEO at Student-Tutor
Hello! My name is Todd. I help students design the life of their dreams by ensuring college, scholarship, and career success! I am a former tutor for seven years, $85,000 scholarship recipient, Huffington Post contributor, lead SAT & ACT course developer, host of a career exploration podcast for teens, and have worked with thousands of students and parents to ensure a brighter future for the next generation. I invite you to join my next webinar to learn how to save thousands + set your teenager up for college, scholarship, and career success!
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8 years ago

I hope this will help me

Sarah Boyd
Sarah Boyd
9 years ago is a site that is free to use. Teachers can add their whole class and students can access at home or at school to build math facts and fluency. Data is reported to the teacher so performance can be monitored even when done at home. Parents could use it as a way of building math fluency in their children.

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
9 years ago
Reply to  Sarah Boyd

Thank you for adding an extra resource! I will check it out. 🙂 Did you help create it?

Michele Williams
Michele Williams
10 years ago

Great list! Did you intend a play on words in the Kahn Academy listing? If not, it should be “chock full,” not”chalk full.” 🙂

Laura Petersen
Laura Petersen
10 years ago

Thanks for the comment! The play on words was unintentional (but kind of funny!). Will edit now. 🙂 Thanks, Michele!