high school clubs

23 High School Clubs to Explore

So you’re finally heading off to high school. You’ve got their textbooks, school supplies, new shoes, a calculator, and a thirst for adventure. Odds are you’re excited, but nervous, pacing the floor with worry. You are wondering whether your teachers will be good, what high school clubs you will join, what papers you will need to submit, and many many more.

Are you really ready for high school?

How will you find your classes?

How will you build self-confidence?

How will you make friends?

Don’t worry, these are all very common fears for students to have! Rest assured, you are ready for high school, you will find your classes, and you will make friends.

Still worried? Want to make sure you successfully make friends? Then join different high school clubs. They are probably the best way for high schoolers to meet people.

23 interesting high school clubs

1. Speech and Debate

Do you enjoy talking? Do you think you can be a future lawyer? Try out for the school’s speech and debate team.

Not only will you meet people and make new friends, you’ll also get to practice public speaking, a valuable, important tool that you will use at every stage of your life.

By researching, talking about, and debating hot-button political, social, cultural, and environment issues, you will also become more aware and up-to-date on current events.

2. Choir, Band, or Orchestra

Are you involved in choir, band or orchestra in junior high? If so, you probably remember always hanging around your musical buddies. If you haven’t joined one of these threehigh school clubs yet, you should!

Odds are, your high school requires you to take some sort of fine arts elective…so why not join choir, band, or orchestra?

The beauty of these three classes is that they’re not merely fine arts electives, they’re also clubs! Most high school choirs, bands and orchestras have retreats, give performances, and even go on trips to Disneyland. Doesn’t that sound like a fun, enriching experience?

Not convinced? Did I mention that studies show that students involved in music education tend to receive higher grades? Yep, you read it right.

3. Red Cross

So you don’t like public speaking or singing? That’s fine! If you are interested in the medical field or planning to take a combined M.D. program, perhaps you should consider joining your school’s American Red Cross Club.

As part of the high school club working with the local Red Cross chapter, you can become a lifeguard, learn how to perform CPR, or become a trained instructor who teaches othersYou can organize blood drives, help U.S. military members, help to eradicate measles and much more.

Not to mention, this is the type of extracurricular colleges like to see!

4. Best Buddies

Are you passionate about social equality and helping others? Do you want to make lifelong friends? That’s what Best Buddies International is all about!

As a part of Best Buddies, students with intellectual and developmental disabilities are paired with students without disabilities.

Whether or not you have a disability, this is a beautiful program. Students without disabilities mentor, and get to know, students with disabilities, forging unbreakable, lifelong bonds.

Best Buddies is about breaking down traditional social barriers at a difficult time in teenagers’ lives. If you’re worried about making friends in high school, this is a surefire way to make sure that you make at least one friend.

5. Language Clubs

Are you a native Spanish, French, or German speaker? Or maybe you just really like the foreign language class! Either way, you should consider joining your school’s language clubs and learn a new language during your past time.

Spanish, French and German clubs put on several charity and cultural events throughout the academic year. You could be planning a fiesta, helping others in need, and making new friends all at the same time!

6. National Honors Society

Are good grades kinda your thing? Then National Honors Society (NHS) is definitely for you. NHS chapters at most schools have GPA and essay requirements.

If you meet these requirements, you’re eligible to be a part of an elite group of students at their school. As a member of the NHS, you will associate and attend meetings with your school’s best and brightest students (NHS is a great way to meet people!), while also serving your community.

Having been a member of the NHS will look great on your college applications, especially if you decide to take on a leadership role.

Remember though… WELL ROUNDED college applications do not WIN… Applications with a SPIKE win!

7. Drama/Theater

Are you confident and showy? Are you a fan of Broadway musicals and plays? Then enroll in a theater class at your school!

Theater is much like choir, band and orchestra, in that is both a class and a club! In addition to learning the fundamentals of acting in the classroom, you will be given the opportunity to audition for your school’s theater productions.

8. Student Government

Here’s another great way for you to meet new people and develop student leadership skills: run for student government! Now I know what you’re thinking…

How will you get elected if you don’t know anyone yet?

Don’t worry! Most student governments have some low-key positions for which you can run. If you aren’t comfortable running for president, run for treasurer or secretary!

9. Key Club

Key Club International is a great club for high school students who are passionate about helping others.

As a member of Key Club you will take part in several fun service projects aimed at bettering your community. Joining a national organization like Key Club is also a great way for you to network and it also looks great on a college application!

10. Dance Groups

Do you need more exercise, fun, and friends? We suggest that you look into the list of your high school clubs and find one that is focused on dancing.

Don’t worry–you don’t have to be a world-class break-dancer or ballet dancer to join one of these clubs. In fact, dance programs at most schools have several levels of dance groups, from novice to advanced, so you won’t feel inadequate.

11. Photography Club

A lot of people are interested in photography. This is obvious because they love curating pictures on Instagram and Facebook. Thus, photography clubs became one of the top options when choosing an extracurricular. If you love snapping photos and want to learn more from other students with similar interests, then this club is for you.

12. History Club

The history club should also be on the list of every high school student. Why? Because history is interesting! Maybe you find studying the past a bit boring because you are only sitting inside your classroom but when you join the history club, you won’t just sit and listen to others talk. You will explore different places including museums and historical sites to better understand history. Also, if your co-members are big history buffs too, you will learn a lot because they probably spew facts every minute.

13. Mathletes

If you really love numbers, then this club is made for you! Joining Mathletes will help you get ahead of your batchmates because you will learn advanced math concepts and some useful mental math tricks. By consistent training and practice, you may even be chosen to represent your school to some math competitions.

14. Yearbook Club

Joining the yearbook club is also something that we strongly suggest! Would it not be fun to document every single activity that your batchmates do throughout the year. It’s like you are their memory keeper and someday when they miss high school and you want to reminisce about the old days, all they will do is pore over the yearbook that you help make. This will also help you enhance your essay writing skills in case you want to become a freelance writer.

15. Religious Clubs

Just to clarify, you do not need to be religious to join this type of club. If you want to learn different religious beliefs, you can explore every club associated with faith to get a better grasp of how things work. For instance, you want to learn more about Christianity because you did not grow up in a Christian household, so being a member of a club that is affiliated with that should be one of your goals.

16. Book Club

Book Clubs give students an opportunity to discuss their favorite books with others and analyze certain aspects of it using literary criticism techniques. If you are a voracious reader who always has a book with you, you will enjoy joining this club. You can geek out with other members, recommend books for others to read, and finish your reading goal for the month.

17. Robotics Club

Are you tech-savvy? Are you interested in how artificial intelligence works? Well then, sign up for this club! You’ll learn more about computers and machines though being a member of a robotics organization. You’ll also experience how to make simple robots and bigger intimidating ones!

18. Habitat for Humanity

If you want to help those who are in need of a home, you might want to sign up in a Habitat for Humanity organization. You will get your hands dirty but it is for a good cause. You’ll be able to help build homes and see the grantee move in. This is also an impressive extracurricular to add to your college application.

19. Soup Kitchen Volunteer Club

Another volunteer work that you should sign up on is the Soup Kitchen. If you want to fulfill your civic duty, you can do so by working on a soup kitchen and preparing food for the needy. This is a worthwhile cause and one that will stay with you even after you grow old. You don’t need to be a good cook to volunteer. Assisting and dishwashing are some of your options.

20. Recycling Club

So you want to be an advocate of sustainable living but you don’t know where to start? We suggest that you join a recycling club. Basically, what you will do is collect recyclable materials from your batchmates every week and transform them into something useful. 

21. STEM Club

Dreaming of being a scientist someday? An engineer perhaps? Then why don’t you sign up in a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) club. You’ll learn a lot about scientific research and other stuff that requires critical and analytical thinking. You’ll also get the chance to participate in science fairs!

22. Technology Students Association

TSA is an international student organization that will help you develop skills in business education and STEM. You can join competitions participated in by other TSA members. You’ll learn more about workplace ethics as well as necessary STEM concepts.

23. Future Business Leaders of America

If you are a budding entrepreneur, then this organization is for you. FBLA is tagged as the largest business organization in the world so you’ll surely develop some skills that you can apply once you have already graduated. This is a good headstart for your career if you are already thinking of the future.

Conclusion: Top high school clubs to explore

With all the awesome clubs out there, there’s no reason your student can’t make TONS of friends! Seriously, just encourage them to join one of these clubs and they’ll meet people instantly.

So next time your child is lounging around the house on a Friday night complaining about high school being boring, here are the clubs they should try out:

  1. Speech and Debate
  2. Choir, Band, and Orchestra
  3. Red Cross
  4. Best Buddies
  5. Language Clubs
  6. National Honors Society
  7. Drama/Theater
  8. Student Government
  9. Key Club
  10. Dance Groups
  11. Photography Club
  12. History Club
  13. Mathletes
  14. Yearbook Club
  15. Religious Clubs
  16. Book Club
  17. Robotics Club
  18. Habitat for Humanity
  19. Soup Kitchen Volunteer Club
  20. Recycling Club
  21. STEM Club
  22. Technology Students Association
  23. Future Business Leaders of America

Is your child involved in high school clubs and lovin’ it? What clubs are they involved in? Tell us all about it in the comments below!

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Todd VanDuzer

Co-Founder & CEO at Student-Tutor
Hello! My name is Todd. I help students design the life of their dreams by ensuring college, scholarship, and career success! I am a former tutor for seven years, $85,000 scholarship recipient, Huffington Post contributor, lead SAT & ACT course developer, host of a career exploration podcast for teens, and have worked with thousands of students and parents to ensure a brighter future for the next generation. I invite you to join my next webinar to learn how to save thousands + set your teenager up for college, scholarship, and career success!
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7 years ago

I’m extremely surprised TSA (Technology Student Association) wasn’t on this list! It definitely deserves to be with it’s learning capabilities and the strong competition going on. Here’s the website for more information: http://www.tsaweb.org/

Josh win
Josh win
8 years ago

This help me out a lot and i couldn’t do without you

Kenn V.
Kenn V.
7 years ago
Reply to  Todd VanDuzer

Do you know what types of scholarships are best for NHS and BETA members?