starting a new job

15 Life Tips to Starting a New Job for Teens

Starting a new job is both scary and exciting. You will finally join the busy world of adults, and you have to prove yourself to your boss and colleagues constantly. There is simply no turning back to your old sheltered life even though you might feel overwhelmed at times.

In this article, we have prepared some tips on how you can adjust easily to your new life as a working member of society. These are helpful pieces of advice that most employees wished they knew before starting a new job. Lucky for you, they were already compiled, and all you have to do is to apply them.

Take Your Senior’s Advice

The mistake of most teens when starting a new job is getting upset when someone corrects them. What they don’t realize is that there is usually a reason why certain people at their workplace are correcting them and giving them advice. 

Most of the time, seniors point out mistakes, especially if it is the first job for teens because they would want to see some improvement. No one starts an expert on what they do, however, if you will learn how to accept criticisms and take your senior’s advice on how to do things, you’ll get better at your job, and you would even get the respect of your colleagues.

Blog Article: How to Motivate a Teenager

Always Show up on Time

You should not underestimate the impact of showing up on time because it reflects your workplace ethics. By showing up 10 or 15 minutes before the exact time you should clock-in, you are showing your boss and your co-workers that you know how to value and respect their time. 

You will also be more organized since you will be able to follow your schedule. Being organized usually translates to productivity, so this is one of the most useful tips for first job.

Represent Yourself Well

In starting a new job, your first 90 days in the office are considered an extension of your interview. This means that all eyes are focused on you because they are trying to gauge your capabilities.

What you must do is to make sure that you are representing yourself well by showing them admirable characteristics. For instance, being diligent, focused, and professional. 

Do Not be Demanding

Another one of the useful tips for first job endurance is to tread lightly. Since you are a new hire, do not be too demanding because it will create the impression that you think too highly of yourself.

Until you have earned your boss’ respect with your performance, skip requesting for a good schedule, or setting up your own rules. The first job for teens is usually a test of your work attitude. Work hard to deserve such leniency. 

Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries the first time you walk into your workplace is a healthy habit. For example, you should clarify with your boss how many hours you are willing to work and how many tasks you can accomplish in a specific time.

Most employees are overworked yet underpaid because they did not set their boundaries early on. They allow their job to overtake their life, so they end up stressed and fatigued. It would be hard to change your routine once it has been in place because your boss and co-workers are already used to it. Better clarify how much you are willing to sacrifice for your job to avoid conflicts in the end.

Make Connections

Befriending people in your workplace is necessary to make the monotony of your job more bearable. Office hours won’t feel so long because you have a good relationship with your colleagues and even your boss.

You can also ask them for help once you’re having difficulties with your task, and they would be very much willing to help you out. Some of them can be your trusted friends in the long run.

Don’t Spread Rumors and Gossip

Involving yourself in meaningless rumors and gossip in the office will not bring you any good. You better take note of this because this is one of the tips for first job that you should not ignore if you want to build relationships at work.

You don’t want to be tagged as someone who cannot keep their mouth shut, right? No matter how much you want to share information that you have heard from a colleague, refrain yourself from doing so.

Focus on your job and let people be. The primary reason why you are working is to earn a living. Being caught off on office issues might even cost you your job, so exercise caution in dealing with information handed to you.

Take Care of Yourself

Taking good care of yourself not only involves being fit and healthy but also making sure that you look professional and respectable. Prioritize your hygiene and always present yourself well.

You think not brushing your hair won’t matter? Well, it does. You don’t mind having spinach stuck in your teeth while giving a presentation? Unfortunately, your boss does. A healthy body and good self-presentation matters in gaining confidence which is a known element in being successful.

Toughen Up a Little

Starting a new job can be quite toxic if you won’t toughen up a little. You will encounter a diverse set of people in the workplace, and each of them has different beliefs and personalities. Having misunderstandings cannot be prevented; however, you must learn how to deal with these situations without bawling out your eyes in the restroom or lashing at your colleague.

Expect that people will be hard on you so you should toughen up emotionally and maintain your composure despite what they say about you.

Choose Your Workplace Battles

So you became the subject of conversation during lunch because of your new hairstyle. What you did is report all your colleagues to the head of human resources claiming that they are spreading rumors about you. Aren’t you overreacting?

Loosen up a little and don’t take stuff too hard. It’s one of the best tips for first job that we can share with you.

Talking about other people is an unhealthy characteristic of us humans, but that’s how it is. If you are going to be sensitive to similar situations or even due to simple teasing, you are just wasting your time minding them instead of focusing at work.

Don’t Pry on Anyone’s Business

Let’s say you have successfully befriended most of your colleagues and you have already earned their trust to the point that they already tell you personal opinions about work or other life stuff. The best way to deal with them is just to listen. Do not pry any more further about their personal business because you may be tempted to share it with others and their job might be put on the line.

As much as possible, mind your own business and do what you have to do in the office without being involved in personal stuff.

Consider Your Job as an Obligation

This advice is constructive, especially if it is the first job for teens like you. Once you clock-in, it is your duty to fulfil every task assigned to you until you clock-out in the afternoon. You get paid for the service you are rendering so might as well give your boss the work the company deserves.

By treating your work as an obligation and appreciating how you can pay your bills through the money you are earning from that particular company, you will be more productive, and the higher-ups will surely notice your efforts.

Manage your time wisely by creating a routine

The reason why tasks pile up and most teens starting a new job quickly become overwhelmed is because they do not manage their time wisely by making a routine. The simple act of following the process of checking your email every morning, setting a time limit to finish a particular task, and following a schedule you have written on your timetable could make a significant impact on your productivity.

The first job for teens is usually toxic because of the workload. But you will be amazed at how quickly you can accomplish tasks and how much time you have saved for yourself to rest and unwind if you follow a routine. It all starts with practicing good time management.

Ask a Lot of Questions

One of the most common tips for first job survival is to ask a lot of questions. Sure, you would like to impress your boss and act as if you are an expert on everything, but this would only result in disaster if you don’t have any idea what you are doing. The first job for teens is usually an avenue for learning, so make sure you make the most of it.

If you don’t understand something, a concept perhaps, do not be shy to ask your colleagues or even your boss on how to do it. This also creates the impression that you are trainable and willing to learn. Of course, you have to do your own research, but you will find your workmates’ input more useful because they have direct experience in your field.

Refrain From Quitting

There are times that you just have to suck it up and stick it out. There is no easy job, and every workplace has its own kind of politics going on. However, if you keep on quitting on the first sign of difficulty, you won’t be able to build your portfolio or even your resume.

No employer would want to hire someone who quickly gives up. Before you quit, assess whether the problem is in the company or at your end. If it is you, work on yourself to be better. 


The first job for teens is always the hardest. They still have a lot to learn when it comes to dealing with their boss and their colleagues, even handling the tasks and keeping up with a schedule. Even though starting a new job may appear to be nerve-wracking, one of the reasons to get a job in high school is it will prepare you for the future while still allowing you to fail.

Let us recap the tips for first job survival that we have discussed in this article:

  1. Take your senior’s advice
  2. Always show up on time
  3. Represent yourself well
  4. Do not be demanding
  5. Set boundaries
  6. Make connections
  7. Don’t spread rumors and gossips
  8. Take care of yourself
  9. Toughen up a little
  10. Choose your workplace battles
  11. Don’t pry on anyone else’s business
  12. Consider your job as an obligation
  13. Manage your time wisely by creating a routine
  14. Ask a lot of questions
  15. Refrain from quitting

Through these 15 tips, we hope that starting a new job won’t give you much stress so you can fully enjoy the fruits of your hard work.

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Todd VanDuzer

Co-Founder & CEO at Student-Tutor
Hello! My name is Todd. I help students design the life of their dreams by ensuring college, scholarship, and career success! I am a former tutor for seven years, $85,000 scholarship recipient, Huffington Post contributor, lead SAT & ACT course developer, host of a career exploration podcast for teens, and have worked with thousands of students and parents to ensure a brighter future for the next generation. I invite you to join my next webinar to learn how to save thousands + set your teenager up for college, scholarship, and career success!
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