High School

High school, also called secondary school, usually includes 9th or 10th grade through 12th grade, depending on the school district. Secondary subjects cover mathematics, history, science, english, physical education, sports, and art. When kids struggle in high school it is usually in the main subjects of math (algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2, pre-calculus, calculus, statistics), science, or english (reading and writing). There are on-level classes, honors, and Advanced Placement courses. College preparation is also important during this time.

reading and literacy are important

Reading and Literacy

The Importance of Reading and Literacy: Grim Statistics and How to Help Your Kids Let’s start with some shocking facts about reading and literacy in the U.S. according to research.  1) Between 1993 and 2003: – the average ‘prose literacy’ decreased for adults at most levels of educational attainment – the average ‘document literacy’ decreased …

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